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 ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real

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― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real Empty
MessageSujet: ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real   ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real EmptyDim 26 Jan - 21:17


NOM : Anderson

PRENOM(S): Anastasya Riley

SURNOM(S): Son mec l'appelle parfois Annie, c'est plus un petit nom affectif qu'autre chose

ÂGE: 27 ans

NE(E) LE: 08/04/1986

A: Londres, UK


TWITTER: hellishangels


ORIENTATION SEXUELLE: Officiellement hétéro, mais elle-même n'est plus sûre...

ETAT CIVIL: En couple

ETUDES: Études de Sciences Politiques

PROFESSION: Serveuse dans un café

hayley atwell & story-teller
CARACTERE sociable - déterminée - ambitieuse - indécise - généreuse - possessive - énergique - forte - honnête - impulsive - peut entrer dans des colères noires et assez violentes si poussée à bout - idéaliste - n'est pas très douée pour reconnaître et gérer ses sentiments - rationnelle - sait très bien s'exprimer, argumenter et donner son point de vue - agit souvent sur un coup de tête mais parvient à rattraper la situation - aime la confrontation et n'évite pas les conflits - loyale - il faut beaucoup pour arriver à lui faire changer d'opinion - fondamentalement gentille et bien intentionnée - croit en la justice et ressent le constant besoin de faire ce qui juste - ce qui la mène souvent à des confusions et des désaccords avec elle-même.    
J'AIME son petit ami, son job, son chien, le sexe au réveil, les pâtes au pesto, le café, apprendre des choses, fumer une cigarette sur sa terrasse en été et en pleine nuit, avoir des conversations animées et échanger son point de vue avec celui des autres, ses amis bien sûr, voyager, aller au cinéma.
J'AIME PAS les profiteurs, les gens qui ont l'esprit tellement fermé que ça les rend sourds, les personnes trop collantes (surtout les hommes), le bruit des couverts dans l'assiette, les frites, avoir tort, les jeux de société.

TA PREMIERE CUITE 17 ans, une fête chez des amis. C'était la fameuse cuite après laquelle tu dis "plus jamais je ne toucherai à l'alcool" avant de remettre ça deux semaines plus tard.
TA PREMIERE CIGARETTE 13 ans, pendant la pause du matin, derrière les buissons dans la cour de l'école.
TON PREMIER JOINT 17 ans, une autre fête chez des amis.
TON PREMIER BAISER 15 ans pour le premier baiser qui compte, les précédents ne valaient rien.
TA PREMIERE FOIS 14 ans, avec son meilleur ami, histoire de savoir comment on fait. Autant dire que ce n'était rien d'exceptionnel.
L'ENDROIT LE PLUS COOL OU TU L'AS FAIT Une limousine que son père avait loué pour un soir, quand elle avait 18 ans.
TU SURFES ? Elle a essayé une fois, ça ne lui a pas plu.

LA QUALITE QUE TU PREFERES CHEZ UNE FEMME Pourquoi faire une différence ?
LE PRESIDENT DE TES RÊVES Tant que c'est une femme à l'esprit ouvert...
TON POKEMON PREFERE Elle n'a jamais été une grande fan de Pokemon.
CROIS-TU EN LA POLITIQUE? Elle s'efforce d'y croire.
ET A L'ECOLOGIE? Elle croit à la théorie. La pratique c'est autre chose.
LIS-TU BEAUCOUP? Relativement, oui.
L'ARGENT POUR TOI C'EST... Malheureusement indispensable.
ET LA REUSSITE? Un besoin pour se sentir bien dans sa peau.
SI TU AVAIS PU VIVRE A UNE AUTRE EPOQUE, CE SERAIT LAQUELLE ? Il lui arrive de s'imaginer ce que serait la vie à telle ou telle époque, mais au final, là où on s'en sort le mieux, c'est encore le 21e siècle.
Tu n'es vraiment rien d'exceptionnel, toi, Anastasya Riley Anderson. Tu es la fille d'un américain pure souche et ta mère avait des origines russes. On se demande bien comment ils ont fini ensemble ces deux-là. Il faut dire que ta chère Maman était aussi très british dans son genre. Ça facilite les choses, je l'avoue. Tu as eu une enfance plutôt facile. En fait, c'était même plus que ça. Tu as été chanceuse, gâtée. Peut-être pas pourrie, mais presque. Tu vas me dire que tes parents n'étaient jamais là, tu as raison. Toujours en voyage. Papa était diplomate, ou un truc du genre. On s'en fout pas mal. Maman était journaliste de formation, mais elle s'occupait de la paperasse de Papa. Les hommes ont besoin d'assistance. Ils savent occuper les places les plus prisées, mais faire le travail qui va avec est trop difficile pour eux. Enfin, je m'égare.
Tu as eu une enfance sans grands rebondissements. Tu as eu la chance de voyager beaucoup, de vivre entre Londres, Paris et New York (si on considère ça comme une chance). Tu as vu l'Asie avant les autres. Puis bien sûr, tu as eu une adolescence et une phase de rébellion qui va avec. On n'y échappe pas vraiment, à celle-là. C'est un moyen comme un autre de grandir, de se prouver à soi-même qu'on peut faire des choses -stupides certes- sans l'appui de nos vieux. Tu as essayé de faire La Chose avec ton meilleur ami. Une catastrophe. Mais c'était plutôt amusant et ça vous a appris des choses à tous les deux. Tu as eu ton premier vrai petit copain. Tu es sortie avec une fille et tu as été lesbienne pendant une semaine avant de reprendre le cours de ta vie bien cadrée d'ado hétéro qui ne pensait de toute façon pas que ça pouvait en être autrement. Tu es sortie, tu as bu, tu as fumé. Tu t'es fait punir par tes parents. A 18 ans, ça s'est fini, aussi brusquement que ça avait commencé. Les feuilles de vœux que ton prof a distribuées t'ont ramené à la réalité et tu t'es dis que des conneries, t'en avais fait juste assez, et c'était le moment de grandir.
Tu as eu ton diplôme avec mention et tu es entrée dans une des écoles les plus sélectives. Tu y as étudié les sciences politiques. Bizarrement, c'était ton propre choix, et non une décision influencée par tes parents. Tu étais une étudiante brillante. Tu as rencontré un gars sympa en 3e année. Vous avez commencé à sortir ensemble. Tu es tombée amoureuse, lui aussi. C'était beau, c'était mignon, c'était cliché. Tes parents sont morts dans un accident de voiture cette année-là. Ça t'as mis un sale coup. Mais tu t'es accrochée. Jake et toi, vous avez réussi vos études et vous vous êtes installés ensemble. Il a eu de la chance et s'est vite retrouvé à la tête de la boîte de son oncle. Tu ne savais pas quoi faire, et il n'y avait pas d'urgence. Tu avais 24 ans. Tu as essayé le journalisme, ce n'était pas ton truc. Tu veux faire quelque chose d'important, un truc qui compte. En vrai, tu veux changer le monde. C'est d'ailleurs pour ça que tu as pris un job de serveuse dans un café à San Diego. C'est un job qui te plait, où tu as rencontré des gens géniaux. Comme Lea par exemple. Ah oui Lea... Est-ce que si je mentionne Lea et Jake dans la même phrase, ça te frustre ? Ah - visiblement oui. Enfin bref. Tu bosses dans ce café pour t'occuper et te donner l'impression que tu es utile à la société. Tu pourrais sans doute l'être. Toi et tes grands principes, ta détermination, tes idées révolutionnaires. Tu pourrais faire de grandes choses, Anastasya.
Mais je comprends, la vie personnelle, ça compte. Jake il compte. Lea, elle compte. Et avec cette histoire, les choses se compliquent. Comment on fait lorsqu'on a un petit ami qu'on aime, avec lequel on a une relation relativement saine, mais que dès qu'il a le dos tourné, on finit entre les jambes d'une collègue de boulot ? Tu le sais bien. Ou alors, tu ne sais pas. Tu y vas au feeling et tu risques gros. Tu joues à pile ou face, et non je ne parle pas de sexe. Mais on peut y venir si tu veux. Je suis prêt à parier que Lea te satisfait bien plus que Jake. Tu n'en sais rien ? Tu es trop confuse pour essayer de comparer. Je veux bien y croire. Arrête de stresser comme ça et va fumer une cigarette. Jake va bientôt rentrer.

Pseudo Maylandie (anciennement Scarlett mais j'essaye de me séparer de ce pseudo) Âge 17 ans Prénom Maylandie Où as-tu connu le forum? sur PRD Ton personnage est un scénario. C'est qui ton pokémon préféré? tiplouf Une suggestion ou un commentaire à nous communiquer ? le forum gère la fougère  ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 4153723984  Le mot de la fin? les smileys me plaisent  ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 3590693979   ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 1740290262 
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― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real   ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real EmptyDim 26 Jan - 21:19

Je connais pas la demoiselle, mais elle est très jolie ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 3068785639 I love you Bienvenue  ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 3299621819 
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― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real   ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real EmptyDim 26 Jan - 21:20

― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 2206698002 ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 3068785639 What a Face ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 192144567 ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 3914096175 ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 3011649276 ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 2750225705 ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 3204987728 ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 3299621819 ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 1111334555 ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 2947681719 ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 1710122637 ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 588046672 ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 1823239796 ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 1054000820 
merci encore de tenter le scénario  ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 2947681719 I love you 

hâte de lire ta fiche  ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 122567350 
ah oui et bienvenue  What a Face   ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 2744561116 
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― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real   ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real EmptyDim 26 Jan - 21:25

Bienvenue ici. I love you
Très bon choix de scénario.  ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 3914096175 
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― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real   ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real EmptyDim 26 Jan - 21:27

― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 2206698002 

jax - héhé merci  Cool  c'est la copine de captain america  What a Face 

eleanor -  ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 1111334555 ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 1295482510 j'essaye de faire vite comme ça on peut rp  ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 1499332157  et merci !

isîs - merci  ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 3914096175 
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― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real   ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real EmptyDim 26 Jan - 21:32

ohwiiii  ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 1111334555 
 ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 2602258644
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― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real   ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real EmptyDim 26 Jan - 21:35

Bienvenue parmi nous :D
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― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real   ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real EmptyDim 26 Jan - 21:37

Biiienvenue parmi nous :D
Je te souhaite beaucoup de plaisir sur le forum ^^
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― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real   ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real EmptyDim 26 Jan - 21:39

Bienvenue sur le forum Smile Bonne chance pour ta fiche !
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― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real   ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real EmptyDim 26 Jan - 22:12

Merci merci merci tout le monde  ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 1111334555 ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 2696113592 
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― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real   ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real EmptyDim 26 Jan - 22:29

bienvenue parmi nous I love you
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― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real   ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real EmptyDim 26 Jan - 23:01

bienvenue I love you
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― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real   ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real EmptyDim 26 Jan - 23:39

j'adore ta fiche, elle est parfaite  ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 1111334555 ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 2947681719 ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 1710122637 
 ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 2163393543 
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― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real   ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real EmptyDim 26 Jan - 23:51

Merci tout le monde  ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 1111334555 

lea - yay ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 1577919119 
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― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real   ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real EmptyLun 27 Jan - 3:39

Bienvenue I love you Bon courage pour ta fiche et très bon choix de scénario ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 2947681719
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― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real   ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real EmptyLun 27 Jan - 7:48

bienvenue ♥️ bon courage pour ta fiche  ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 2947681719 
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― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real   ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real EmptyLun 27 Jan - 8:16

Bienvenue gente dame !  ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 3914096175 I love you ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 3068785639 ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 1447108661 ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 192144567 
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― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real   ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real EmptyLun 27 Jan - 17:15

Le pseudo, l'avatar, tout quoi  ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 1111334555 ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 1111334555 ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 1111334555 
Bienvenue parmi nous et bonne chance pour ta fiche I love you
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― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real   ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real EmptyLun 27 Jan - 18:58

Aww merci tout le monde  ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 1111334555 
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― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real   ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real EmptyLun 27 Jan - 19:11

Hayleeeeey ! ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 4133599979 Bienvenue sur le forum I love you ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 122567350
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J-D "Rox" Huxley

Messages : 268
Date d'inscription : 28/12/2013
© Crédits : voir sur l'avatar
Pseudo : minnie (prada)
Avatar : nicolas simoes
Âge : vingt-et-un ans
Points : 605

― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real   ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real EmptyLun 27 Jan - 21:47

j'ai beaucoup aimé lire ta fiche ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 3068785639 et puis ta plume est vraiment très facile à lire ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 2144254842 enfin bref, je te valide très chere !
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― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real Empty
MessageSujet: Re: ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real   ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real EmptyLun 27 Jan - 23:03

Yay  ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 102203606 
Merci beaucoup !!  ― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real 1111334555 
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― anastasya ; idealists are called fools by those who are afraid of not seeing dreams becoming real

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